Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor(PJ) bersama Khalid Samad sibuk menyambut tahun baru ,tapi berbeza dengan Hasan Ali yang cukup dibenci oleh DAP.Beliau membuktikan
bahawa sebagai Exco Agama adalah menjadi tanggungjawab untuk turun ke padang bersama penguatkuasa dan JAIS untuk menangkap umat Islam yang melakukan
maksiat pada malam tahun baru.
Khalid Samad yang sibuk membela DUMC semasa menyerang Hasan Ali turut menyalahkan umat Islam sedangkan beliau sebagai seorang ahli parlimen dari parti PAS
harus turut sama membenteras maksiat.Hasan Ali yang membela akidah umat Islam dicaci dengan pelbagai fitnah malah DAP turut memusuhi pemimpin ini kerana
mengarahkan penjualan arak diharamkan di jual di kedai serba guna.
Cakap tak serupa bikin dan ini membuktikan Khalid Samad dan gerembolan pencacai pakatan tak lebih kepada menjadi alat kepada DAP.

Controversial PAS leader Datuk Dr Hasan Ali joined a rare raid on drinking spots at Mutiara Damansara and Petaling Jaya, which saw the arrest of 41 Muslims.
Among those nabbed in Ops Mungkar were 18 people who were caught taking alcohol, an offence under Selangor's syariah law.
They include six women.
Dr Hasan said the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) has strong evidence to charge them for alcohol consumption under the Syariah Criminal Enactment 1995, which provides for a jail term of up to two years and a fine of not more than RM3,000, or both.
Unlike other states, Selangor does not whip offenders caught drinking alcohol.
Dr Hasan said the other 23 pub goers caught in the raid, including 13 women, would be required to attend counselling sessions.
“They will have to give their statements on Jan 11 and 12, before Jais fixes the dates for counselling,” he said at the Jais office here yesterday.
He said the raiding party, which included the Bukit Aman police, was led by Jais director Datuk Marzuki Hussin following a tip-off. Those arrested were aged between 18 and 58.
“We could see there was entertainment going on and the drinking (of alcohol),” said Dr Hasan, who is in charge of Islamic affairs in the state executive council.- The Star
Among those nabbed in Ops Mungkar were 18 people who were caught taking alcohol, an offence under Selangor's syariah law.
They include six women.
Dr Hasan said the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) has strong evidence to charge them for alcohol consumption under the Syariah Criminal Enactment 1995, which provides for a jail term of up to two years and a fine of not more than RM3,000, or both.
Unlike other states, Selangor does not whip offenders caught drinking alcohol.
Dr Hasan said the other 23 pub goers caught in the raid, including 13 women, would be required to attend counselling sessions.
“They will have to give their statements on Jan 11 and 12, before Jais fixes the dates for counselling,” he said at the Jais office here yesterday.
He said the raiding party, which included the Bukit Aman police, was led by Jais director Datuk Marzuki Hussin following a tip-off. Those arrested were aged between 18 and 58.
“We could see there was entertainment going on and the drinking (of alcohol),” said Dr Hasan, who is in charge of Islamic affairs in the state executive council.- The Star
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aku no komen......
cuma nak bagi....
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