perghHH !! ingatkan baca Quran tadi..kalau depa debat dengan ostak pas kat kampung aakj rasa ostak parti pas hanyut..hahaha puok pas ni bukan reti sangat Arab..baca Quran pun berbelit lidah muahaha..mamposslaa kalau puok ni masuk Malaysia..atau mungkin dah masuk...yang pasti Video ni d rakam pada 2003 !!
Baca d SINI, aakj pernah keluarkan artikel pusat MURTAD d Kelana Jaya !
Terbaru..Aakj tengok paderi ni makin berani...semalam dia sergah Hassan Ali seolah dendam "DUMC" dulu belum habis dan Kerajaan BN seolah takut nak siasat dengan serius !! sorrylah kekadang Aakj kena tegur gak jabatan yang berkenaan agama ni !!

Laporan di Malaysian Digest semalam bertajuk ‘Catholic Bishop Slams Hasan Ali‘:
“Hasan Ali is in a man in search of a justification for his vaulting ambition – the classic recipe for the making of a charlatan,” opined the bishop. Hasan, the former PAS chief of Selangor and member of the state executive council, had been raising the alarm over Christian proselytisation of Muslims since controversy broke out over a fundraising dinner held at the Damansara Utama Methodist Centre a year ago.
Kata-kata bishop Paul Tan yang dipetik Malaysian Digest (sumber Malaysiakini):
“I don’t want to have to respond to someone [who] has been seen to be a public liar on the non-issue of Christian proselytisation of Muslims.”
Adakah Hasan Ali sebenarnya membohong seperti yang didakwa Bishop Paul Tan?
Adakah mubaligh Kristian tidak mendakwah kepada orang Melayu walhal mereka begitu giat mendakwah kepada orang Cina, India, pribumi Sabah dan Sarawak serta Orang Asal di semenanjung?
Di bawah ialah screenshot komen seorang pembaca Malaysiakini kepada rencana tentang Bishop Paul dan Hasan itu.
Orang ini yang menggelar dirinya ‘anak,bangsa,malaysia’ turut menuduh Ustaz Nasharudin Mat Isa bersama Hasan sebagai “kafirs of the highest order since they have abused and misrepresented Islam.”
Orang ini yang bukan Muslim juga yakin, “The wrath of Allah will befall them [Hasan dan Nasha] on this holy month of Ramadhan.”
Aakj harap kita buka hati...buka seluasnya dan lihat kebenaran !!
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The late Ahmad Deedat (May he rest in peace) has made it clear that that has never been any claim by Jesus that he was God. I am sure also that if Jesus were to be sent down from heaven by God, he would say how ashamed he was with the amount of blasphemy the so called Christians have concocted for themselves! The late Ahmad Deedat has in fact challenged Christian priests to show him where in any bible has this been the case. This is the true reason why Islam is warning Muslims not to be misled by the already misled Christians! Why are Christians still busy pushing Muslims to be Christians if it is not because they are envious of Islam being a true religion? Islam does not have to push any Christian or for that matter anyone to be Muslims, unless they are willingly wanting to be one. It puzzles me to see how Christians especially Christians of the Third World have become so desperate in gaining membership for a faith that is truly no longer selling in the West! You see if a faith is true , it stands eternally true, it does have to be manipulative! it does not compromise, it does not have to sneak around ! Pathetic!
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