Label 10



Written By AAKJ on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 | 11:58 AM

We begin to see that there is something more about Dong Zhong than just an academic-related organization. Dong Zhong is almost like a ‘religion’ where the Chinese would just echo every song and every beat it makes without thinking twice about the practicality or its consequences.
With the recent protest by Dong Zhong, the Chinese can no longer deny that Dong Zhong or they, themselves in majority, are hard-core racists.
No other organization ever makes race separation in schools as their main objective, but Dong Zhong.
And to take ‘race separation’ even further, Dong Zhong is now insisting that no teachers without the fluency of Mandarin be supplied to the Chinese schools. In other words, the organization refuses to accept teachers from other races because it is only natural that only Chinese are fluent in Mandarin.
Dong Zhong is making all these protest even when they know that only few Chinese are interested in teaching, which makes it impossible for the government to fulfill its demands.
So, what is the real motive behind all these drama that eventually goes to the extent of punching Deputy Education Minister, Wee Ka Siong?
Is Dong Zhong purposely putting some pointless and inane pressure on the government for the sake of showing its power - the Chinese gangster way?
And why does Dong Zhong think that the Chinese schools deserve some kind of special treatment or be given special privilege that are not given to Tamil Schools or even Agama Schools? Note that not all Tamil school teachers can speak Tamil fluently, especially teachers who are there to teach Bahasa Kebangsaan. And not all Agama school teachers can speak Arabic fluently.
So what is so special about the Chinese anyway?
On top of this, Dong Zhong is also aware that there are 60,000 non-Chinese students in Chinese schools. Many of them are Malays or Muslims. As Chinese schools are also subjected to standard Malaysian syllabus and examination, religious teachers are also appointed to these schools to teach Agama Islam subject. 
 Now, if the government is to kow-tow to Dong Zhong’s demands, how many can we find Ustazs or Ustazahs who are fluent in Mandarin to send to these schools?
Or is this Dong Zhong’s cunning way of getting rid of non-Chinese students in Chinese schools?
Obviously, Dong Zhong only concern is that it doesn’t want to have anything to do with other races.
Schools are just a part of the whole racist agenda. The bigger agenda is making sure that no other races be employed or be given opportunities to work in the Chinese dominated economy. For this, they make sure that they clearly state the requirement of Mandarin in most of their job advertisements.
In view of this, it may not be an exaggeration to say that the ultimate goal of Dong Zhong is to ‘overhaul’ Malaysia by erasing any traces of other races, especially the original settlers and claim the country as theirs entirely with the Chinese as the Master and others, as slaves.
Should Dong Zhong keeps harping on their racist and ridiculous demands, we can only suggest for it to privatised the Chinese Schools. Dong Zhong cannot be asking for more contribution or allocation from the government when it has rubbished all that the government had done for the Chinese schools. 
Allowing the Chinese or other races to have their own schools is already considered as an extraordinary practice by a country, which in itself proved of Malaysian government’s toleration and sincerity. Asking for anything more than this, is called pure greed and evil.
We can only ask why is there so much hatred in Dong Zhong towards other races? Why don’t they want to blend in and live with others in harmony?
Unfortunately, I have no answer to that. Perhaps, it’s just their communist’s blood.   



Dong Zong wajar bertanggungjawab bila Dato Wee Ka Siong, Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran ditumbuk dalam perhimpunan pertubuhan pendidikan cina itu di Kajang kelmarin. Memperlakukan sedemikian rupa, bukan contoh yang baik dalam sebuah negara demokratik yang merdeka seperti Malaysia.

Hasrat Dong Zong untuk menjadi pertubuhan pendidikan ekstreme cina dinegara ini tidak akan mencapai apa-apa matlamat kecuali menjadikan bangsa melayu dan india lebih berwaspada dengan corak politik dunia pendidikan Dong Zong yang semakin buas sekarang.

Rentak perang yang dimainkan menjelang pilihanraya membawa maksud yang pelbagai yang kadang-kadang tidak menguntung bangsa cina keseluruhannya dinegara ini.

Bayangkan jika hanya guru melayu mengajar di SK, hanya guru India mengajar di SJKT. Munasabahkah, wajarkah, adilkah guru berbangsa melayu dan india yang mengajar di SJKC dihumban keluar semata-mata kerana perbedaan warna kulit?

Dong Zong juga dilihat mahu mendekatkan sistem pendidikan negara ini menghampiri sistem aparthied yang telah buat sekian lamanya ditolak oleh semua bangsa didunia ini.

Jurang pendidikan yang semakin melebar antara golongan rakyat tentunya tidak menyumbang kepada negara yang aman, stabil dan makmur.

Kaum cina wajar mencari pendekatan yang lebih lunak dalam masyarakat yang berbilang ras dan keturunan dinegara ini. Selamatkan negara ini  dari arus ekstreme Dong Zong dalam dunia pendidikan.

Hamidzun Khairuddin
Gagasan Anti Penyelewengan Selangor (GAPS)

26 Mac 2012

for bahasa malaysia ;

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March 27, 2012 at 12:15 PM

salam bro,mohon dipautkan blog kami di blog tuan.

bersama kita jayakan misi menawan kelantan pru 13

kerjasama bro kami ucapkan terima kasih

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